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Public Rides *
Public channel for personal rides and general news feeds.
Chicago Critical Mass
Fri Jun 25th 2021
50 W Washington St, Daley Plaza

Critical Mass is a very large group bike event, gathering in Chicago the last Friday of every month for 15+ years. Leaves Daley Plaza downtown (50 W Washingt...
Active Transportation Alliance
9 W. Hubbard St., Ste. 402

Active Transportation Alliance - "Chicagoland's voice for better biking, walking and transit."
Chicago Info
Chi.Bike finds services, sites, info, events and news in your community. It aggregates City of Chicago data feeds, merging a dozen from the city data portal,...
Chicago Bicycle Program
Demonstration mass for the City of Chicago Department of Transportation Bicycle Program, including the Mayor's Bicycle Advisory Council, Bike 2015 Plan and B...
Chicago Bicycling NOW!
General purpose channel for Chicago area bike events. All ride announcements welcome.
Chicago Ghost Bikes
Memorials to fallen cyclists.
Chicago Skate Patrol
50 W Washington St, Daley Plaza

Produces Chicago's largest outdoor group skate, sometimes draws a few dozen, meets twice monthly May-October from Daley Plaza before 7:30pm.
Lonely Locked Bits of Bikes
Abandoned decaying bikes, still locked to something. Hapless innocent casualties with unknowable stories, like puppy bones leashed to a tree. See one? Smartp...
World Naked Bike Ride Chicago
Sat Aug 14th 2021 6p
World Naked Bike Ride is a massive public awareness event, promoting freedom from oil and the beauty of people. It happens world-wide since 2004, with Chicag...
Kidical Mass
Sat Sep 13th 2014 10:30a
3100 W Palmer Blvd, Between Kedzie and Humboldt on Palmer

Kidical Mass is a takeoff of the term, Critical Mass -- the monthly bicycle ride that happens here in Chicago and around the world. Whereas Critical Mass is ...
North Side Critical Mass
Fri Sep 12th 2014 7p
5949 N Clark St, Young Lincoln statue

Group bike event in Chicago which (formerly) gathered 2009-14 on the 2nd Friday monthly at Clark/Thorndale/Ridge under young Lincoln statue.

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