Andrew Bedno • • • 773-442-2386  


  1. Download the SETUP.EXE to a temporary directory.
  2. Run it. You may be prompted to enable macros in Word.
  3. If the installation was successful, you will get a new menu on your MS Word.

How to Use PalmDocs:

On the new MS Word menu, you will find 3 options.

1.- Open PDB File...

Opens any existing DOC compatible file from QED on your PalmPilot.
You may want to use the HotSync backup path where DOCs are placed when they come off your organizer. That path is usually something like c:\pilot\<user_abbreviation>\backup

2.- Save PDB and Install...

This menu will open the following dialog box:

On this dialog there are two fields and two check boxes:

Document Name:

Is the name that QED will show as the title of the document when shown on your PalmPilot. It is also used as the file name (no extension required. It will be a PDB). You may want to stick with just letter, numbers and spaces.

PDB Save Path:

Is the path where you store your Palm Documents. By default its the add-on folder. You may specify any path, but add-on is useful in case you need to fully reload your organizer.


Creates a DOC which uses as much as 50% less memory in the organizer. Best for documents which will not be edited often on the organizer.


Install activates an additional dialog to confirm the user to whose organizer the DOC will be installed.


Programmer's home page:

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