All searches support a few additional advanced features, which for the sake of clarity to basic users, are not
mentioned in the brief instructions on search pages.
Keywords should be space separated, and long enough to be fairly unique and specific. Start with one word, add more to refine.
Though it is already the default (space separated), one may separate keywords with " AND " or a plus "+" sign to explicitly require matching ALL keywords.
Separate keywords with " or " or a minus "-" sign to match
any records containing ANY of the keywords.
Case is always ignored, only numbers and letters are considered. There is no wildcard or regular expression handling.
Search keywords under three characters are ignored, and certain common three letter words as well.
Exact or approximate date filters may be specified in searches in simple YYYY[MM[DD]] format. For example specify a year, and add month and day digits for refinement.
To force an exact match on a whole or partial target use underscore(s) "_" in the keyword(s). For example "aura" matches "Restaurants" and "Laura" and more, but "_aura_" only matches "Aura" (whole word matching). Similarly "seminar_" (leading delimiter) will not match "Seminary".
Websites URLs in content are indexed, even if not visible (in hrefs). In cases where content is hyperlinked its more effective to search by domain name, rather than general words.
Results are sorted in various internally determined ways, but generally are chronological from most current first.
Results may be limited to a maximum number of matches, varying by section. There is no paging. Use search refinements or filters to limit the results.
One may link directly to a search result from offsite using a combinations of URL arguments. For example a link which always gives future events at a specific location, or photos of a specific performer. For the best URL contact support.