Clowning: Costume / Hints From Halloween
Major costume development hints learned from Halloween planning:


  1. Pick a character with a catch phrase
    ie. "that's hot" or "your fired".
  2. Give your character an emotion
    ie. not just a doctor, but one who's been on call for 48 hours.
  3. Find a mannerism for your character and repeat it often
    ie. Ugly Betty constantly pushing up her glasses.
  4. Believe in the power of a prop
    ie. Al Gore carrying a globe and acting protective with it.
  5. Choose a character that has an excuse to talk to people
    ie. Jerry Springer.


  1. Avoid being an annoying characters
    ie. referee who often blows his whistle.
  2. Don't choose someone you admire too much
    Helps you not take criticism of the character personally.
  3. Avoid costumes that cramp your motion
    ie. blades of glory is funny, but carrying the skates is hard.
  4. Don't require complex disassembling/reassembling for bathroom use.
