Clowning: Skits / Skit Essentials
Key Essentials to Remember for a Skit
- Take time to think about what type and theme of skit(s) you want to develop (ie. magic, prats, kids, topical, number of clowns, conflict, parody, ...)
- Then list all possible idea/concept/themes that revolve around that skit idea
- From there try to figure out those ideas/concepts/themes can be turned into humor
- The humor you create for your skit will come from the subject you chose to portray
- Skits will vary in humor from general amusement, chuckles, or people laughing so hard they cry.
- If you have computer available then then type your skit(s) out, this will provide opportunity for making adjustments as needed
- Make typed versions of your skit in outline form at first; later fill in every detail.
- Make a prop check list
- Develop a time line with points in music (this especially applies if you are using the music for cueing), this will help to keep a consistent flow with your skit or to make sure you don't run over time.
Some of the essential reasons people have music with a skit is because:
- You are trying to evoke a certain feeling
- You are trying to establish the setting of scene and/or character
- You are trying to provide easy to follow cues/timing/pacing for yourself
- You are trying to provide effects i.e. Sounds, that you couldn't otherwise express yourself.
- Talking is very hard to hear, and not everyone speaks English. Think pantomime.
- Consider bringing multiple formats of music; CD, backup CD, pre-loaded MP3 player.
- Check items 1-2 days before gig/performance, this will allow for preparation time for props to be fixed, cleaned, or for any purchases that need to be made.
- Consider bringing back-up pieces that may be essential to your skit or bring tools necessary to fix problems that may arise
- Only use props that will provide a clear meaning to your skit
- Props should be colorful and big... ridiculously big.
- Have someone record your skit so you can review later
- Remember to review timing, spacing, interaction and reaction with crowd
- Work out EVERY detail.
Skits will change whether it is because you found a joke/idea that would work better/be funnier, a joke/idea didn't get the crowd reaction that you had hoped or you will need to be adjusted ideas/jokes based on current times and trends. If something isn't funny, change it.