Andrew Bedno • • • 773-442-2386  

TVLink Applications

TVLink can be used to present complex custom made multimedia activities. Listed here are a few ideas.

The TVLink Center as a Marketing Tool

A TVLink system (a server and many set top boxes) can be used as a unique and powerful source for statistical and marketing information. Advertisers can find out instantly how effective their campaign is. Marketing can determine what areas of the system are used most/least, what type of products are popular or not, what areas of interest users spend more time in, what type of people use the system, how often they use it. This information can be used in an array of market studies and for a systematic promotion activity. The system can be used to initiate a test market or a market study by spending a simple questionnaire to a preselected number of boxes/clients.

At-Home Interactive Shopping:

Great new business opportunities for direct marketing, catalog houses, department stores or retailers. TVLink can be targeted to preferred customers.

Yellow Pages:

Interactive listings and advertisements.

Phone Directory:

Residential - Business - Professional Services - Doctors - Lawyers.


Employment, Automobile sales, Household items for sale, Real Estate.

Financial Services:

TVLink will allow the private investor to review her/his "account status" any time of the day or night, seven days a week, without the need for computer knowledge and equipment. Financial service companies can provide their information and recommendations to selected investors.

Home Banking:

All the functions that can be executed with a computer and a modem can be completed with the TVLink without any computer background.

Business to Business:

Direct access to manufactures or distributors catalogs, specifications and drawings for all different kinds of products and supplies.

Airline - Transportation:

Schedule, Reservation system, and Booking with home delivery.


Industrial - Foreign Language tutoring.


Classroom materials, homework assistance, general and specialized fields encyclopedias, dictionaries.

Online Games and Lottery:

With instant results!

Chat - Email:

Conferences, Conversation Forums between users.


Facility and services (leave voice messages for other subscribers).


Restaurant and Hotel search, Reservation Service, Event Ticket Reservations.

Grocery Shopping:

Home delivery, sponsored by advertising.

Music CD Search:

Evaluation and purchase, provide short clips of music and images from currently available compact disks (CDs).

Match Making - Dating Services:

Browse images, biographies, and even sound clips from other singles.

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