Andrew Bedno • • • 773-442-2386  

MultiMedia Systems, Inc.


* Custom Multimedia
* World Wide Web Browser
* E-Mail
On Your TV!

On Your TV:

TVLink is a device about the size of your average cable TV box. It uses a remote control, and an optional cordless keyboard. TVLink connects to your TV, and to a telephone line.

Custom Multimedia:

When activated from the remote control, the TVLink calls a server computer. The TVLink user can then access a broad range of activities. These include such things as financial information, home shopping, and even a dating services with pictures and voices on line!


The TVLink server provides the user with a global E-Mail address. The TVLink user can send and receive E-Mail over the Internet!

World Wide Web:

TVLink includes a World Wide Web browser! The TVLink user can browse the World Wide Web at will, making this planet's vastest information resource available from an easy chair!


The TVLink can also be applied in a variety of intra-net and commercial applications. It has applications in banking, home shopping, and tourism, as well as other corporate and institutional information system needs.

To read more about TVLink, access one of these links:

TVLink Picture
TVLink User Guide
TVLink Help
TVLink General Information
TVLink Multimedia Applications
TVLink Internet Access
TVLink Hardware Features
TVLink Specifications
TVLink Server Configurations


MultiMedia Systems, Inc.
1141-G Lake Cook Road
Deerfield, IL 60015 U.S.A.
Voice: 1-847-405-9890
Fax : 1-847-405-0776