
First to support webphone HDML mini-browsers!
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For Web Enabled Cell Phones is accessible from WEB PHONES!
And any other wireless web devices. Simply point your mini-browser to: (Sorry, the HDML "m." mobile sub-domain has been retired.)

This EXCELLENT service gives you the FULL listing of fun Chicago events in an extremely easy to use format. Simply select a day to see the event list, then select an event to see the full details. It even gives you a button to CALL the place having the event - WOW! AND it features unique wireless forums where you can browse or post! You should bookmark the site right away so you don't have to re-type the URL later. DO NOT use this URL through or any other "portal" or PC browser; simply enter it directly on your mini-browser's GO menu. To use this system you must already know which buttons your phone uses for OK and BACK. Technically this is a baseline standard HDML (Handheld Device Markup Language) server and should therefore be compatible with any wireless web mini-browser capable device. Some example screens are shown at right.

For Web Enabled Cell Phones
For Web Enabled Cell Phones
