Mobile Server

Software available.
The amazing Mobile Content Server is available for sale! was THE FIRST local site to offer native mobile and wireless accessibility, first in E-Text form for Palm/WinCE organizer, and soon after through AvantGo. In September of 2000 this system became the first Chicago site to provide comprehensive local entertainment listings to Web Phone users, and soon after a Text Messaging version was added. Most recently introduced the "World's Smallest Digital City Guide" with the nano-PDA version, as well as a new synthetic Text-To-Speech version!

This site's extraordinary Mobile Content Server is available for commercial sale. Years in development, this system provides mini-browser service of static HDML/WML pages as well as automated generation of dynamic pages from any data source, practically as a turn-key solution.

Here are some of the major features:
  • Industry standard Perl and PHP, runs on ANY OS.
  • Can serve HDML and WML content.
  • Template driven, for easy global definition of site design.
  • Can access flat file, SQL, and even remote http data sources!
  • Generates dynamic output using recursive substitutions like SSI/PHP.
  • Built-in forum system for message board applications, with full moderator, notification, and posting control features.
  • Automatically logs all activity in detail, including environment and referrer.
  • Configurable input field validations, with common types (date, phone#, email, ...) already included.
  • Configurable field pre-fills from existing data, key data, or even from cookies.
  • Customizable login handling.
  • Built-in join and profile update capabilities.
  • Automatic control of login access to private areas.
  • Full cache control using TTL and session IDs.
  • Full cookie control and logging.
  • Full bookmarking control.
  • Multi-system capable, with automatic detection by calling domain or program name alias.
  • Built-in capability to send email from any phone.
  • Includes program for detailed activity reporting.
  • Includes program to automatically extract content from existing web sites.
  • Integrates natively with the full Content Management System.
  • No scalability limits. No known bugs.
  • The programmer has decades of experience.

    The amazing Mobile Content Server is comprehensive and powerful, a best-of-breed in the field, yet priced far lower then what you could waste on having someone else develop far less from scratch.
    Using this system you could have a static WAP presence immediately, or could get your live database contents on Web Phones in as little as a day! You can see photos or to try it live.
    Due to the enormous investment in this software, this offer is primarily targeted for leased Application Service Provider type agreements, whereby the system runs on this system's preferred hosts and servers. Your content can be launched from a gateway page at a WAP address on your domain (and would bookmark as such), and is therefore transparent to the user. Other offers such as source code licensing and personal consulting are also welcome. More extensive business details would be too lengthy to discuss here.

    contact support for details.