AAC | Alter All Commands |
AAD | Alter All Data |
AAO | Add And Overflow |
AAR | Alter At Random |
AB | Add Backwards |
ABC | AlphaBetize Code |
ABR | Add Beyond Range |
ACC | Advance CPU Clock |
ACDC | Allow Controller to Delete Contents |
ACDP | Allow Controller to Die Peacefully |
ACM | Automatically Clear Memory |
ACQT | Advance Clock to Quitting Time |
ADB | Another Damn Bug |
ADDN | ADD Nauseum |
AEE | Absolve Engineering Errors |
AFF | Add Fudge Factor |
AFHB | Align Fullword on Halfword Boundary |
AFP | Abnormal[ize] Floating Point |
AFR | Abort Funny Routine |
AFVC | Add Finagle's Variable Constant |
AGB | Add GarBage |
AGWA | Add and Get Wrong Answer |
AI | Add Improper |
AIB | Attack Innocent Bystander |
AIB | Attack Innocent Bystanders |
AISG | Access and Improve Student Grade |
AMM | Add Mayo and Mustard |
AMM | Answer My Mail |
AMS | Add Memory to System |
ANC | ANnoy Consultant |
ANFSCD | And Now For Something Completely Different |
AOI | Annoy Operator Immediate |
AR | Advance Rudely |
AR | Alter Reality |
ARN | Add and Reset to Nonzero |
ARNZ | Add and Reset to NonZero |
ARZ | Add and Reset to Zero |
AS | Add Sideways |
ASQGSA | ASCII Stupid Question, Get a Stupid ANSI |
AT | Accumulate Trivia |
AWP | Argue With Programmer |
AWTT | Assemble With Tinker Toys |
AZ | Address by Zipcode |
BA | Branch Anywhere |
BAC | Branch to Alpha Centauri |
BAD | Branch And Die |
BAD | Branch to Auto Destruct |
BAF | Blow All Fuses |
BAFL | Branch And FLush |
BAH | Branch And Hang |
BALC | Branch And Link Cheeseburger |
BAP | Branch And Punt |
BAW | Bells And Whistles |
BB | Branch on Bug |
BBBB | Byte Baudy Bit and Branch |
BBBF | Branch on Bit Bucket Full |
BBC | Branch Before Compare |
BBD | Branch on Bastille Day |
BBI | Branch on Blinking Indicator |
BBI | Branch on Burned-out Indicator |
BBIL | Branch on Burned-out Indicator Light |
BBLB | Branch on Blinking Light Bulb |
BBOI | Branch on Burned-Out Indicator |
BBR | Bug on BRanch |
BBT | Branch on Binary Tree |
BBW | Branch Both Ways |
BC | Bypass Core |
BCB | Burp and Clear Bytes |
BCBF | Branch on Chip Box Full |
BCF | Branch and Catch Fire |
BCF | Branch on Chip box Full |
BCG | Branch on CE Ground |
BCIL | Branch Creating Infinite Loop |
BCR | Backspace Card Reader |
BCS | Branch and Crash System |
BCU | Be Cruel and Unusual |
BD | Backspace Disk |
BD | Beat on Drum |
BD | Branch to Data |
BDB | Branch on Donner or Blitzen |
BDC | Break Down and Cry |
BDI | Branch to Data Indirect |
BDM | Branch and Disconnect Memory |
BDS | Branch to Data Segment |
BDT | Burn Data Tree |
BDU | Branch on Dense User |
BE | Branch Everywhere |
BEC | Bypass Error Check |
BEO | Branch and Execute Operator |
BEW | Branch Either Way |
BF | Belch Fire |
BF | Blow Fuse |
BF | Branch Forever |
BFD | Branch on Full Disk |
BFF | Branch and Form Feed |
BFM | Be Fruitful and Multiply |
BH | Branch and Hang |
BIM | Branch on Index Missing |
BIMBO | Branch If Multi-Byte Overflow |
BIR | Branch Inside Ranch |
BIR | Branch and Invert Record |
BIRM | Branch on Index Register Missing |
BLC | Branch and Loop Continuous |
BLI | Branch and Loop Infinite |
BLM | Branch, Like, Maybe |
BLMWM | Branch, Like, Maybe, Wow, Man |
BLP | Boot from Line Printer |
BLR | Branch and Lose Return |
BLSH | Buy Low, Sell High |
BLT | Break Little Thing |
BM | Branch Maybe |
BMF | Blow Main Fuse |
BMI | Blow up Memory Immediate |
BMI | Branch on Missing Index |
BMI | Branch to Muncee Immediate |
BMP | Branch and Make Popcorn |
BMR | Branch [on] Multiple Registers |
BMUS | Beam Me Up, Scotty |
BNA | Branch to Nonexistant Address |
BNCB | Branch and Never Come Back |
BNL | Become a Neo-Luddite |
BNR | Branch for No Reason |
BO | Byte Operator |
BOB | Branch On Bug |
BOD | Beat On Disk |
BOD | Beat On Drum |
BOD | Branch on Operator Desperate |
BODTH | Beat On Drum, then Toot Horn |
BOH | Branch On Humidity |
BOH | Branch on Operator High |
BOHP | Bribe Operator for Higher Priority |
BOI | Byte Operator Immediately |
BOP | Boot OPerator |
BOPL | Burn Out Pilot Lights |
BOS | Branch on Operator Sleepy |
BOT | Branch On Tree |
BPB | Branch on Program Bug |
BPC | Branch to Program Counter |
BPD | Branch if Programmer Debugging |
BPDI | Be Polite and Don't Interrupt |
BPIM | Bury Programmer In Manuals |
BPL | Branch PLease |
BPM | Become a Psych Major |
BPM | Branch on Phase of Moon |
BPO | Branch on Power Off |
BPO | Branch on Power On |
BPP | Branch and Pull the Plug |
BR | Byte and Run |
BRA | Branch to Random Address |
BRB | BRanch on Beaver |
BRH | BRanch and Hang |
BRI | BRanch Indefinitely |
BRL | BRanch and Leak |
BRO | BRanch and Overheat |
BRO | BRanch to Oblivion |
BS | Behave Strangely |
BSC | Branch on Second Coming |
BSC | Burst Selector Channel |
BSD | BackSpace Disk |
BSI | Back up Sewer Immediate |
BSI | Backup Sewer Immediately |
BSM | Branch and Scramble Memory |
BSO | Branch on Sleepy Operator |
BSP | BackSpace Punch |
BSR | Branch and Stomp Registers |
BSS | Branch on SunSpot |
BSST | BackSpace and Stretch Tape |
BST | Backspace and Stretch Tape |
BTD | Branch on Time of Day |
BTD | Byte The Dust |
BTI | Blow Trumpet Immediately |
BTJ | Branch and Turn Japanese |
BTO | Branch To Oblivion |
BTR | Break Tape and Reverse |
BTW | Branch on Third Wednesday |
BU | Branch Unexpectedly |
BUTI | Blow Up Terminal Immediately |
BVS | Branch and Veer South |
BW | Branch on Whim |
BWABL | Bells, Whistles, And Blinking Lights |
BWC | Branch When Convenient |
BWF | Busy, Wait Forever |
BWOP | BeWilder OPerator |
BYDS | Beware Your Dark Side |
BYTE | BYte TEst |
CAC | Calling All Cars |
CAC | Cash And Carry |
CAF | Convert ASCII to Farsii |
CAI | Corrupt Accounting Information |
CAIL | Crash After I Leave |
CAR | Cancel Accounts Receivable |
CAT | Confused And Tired |
CB | Consult Bozo |
CB | Crash and Burn |
CBA | Compare and Branch Anyway |
CBBR | Crash and Blow Boot Read-only memory |
CBNC | Close, But No Cigar |
CBS | Clobber BootStrap |
CBS | Crash Bothersome Source code |
CC | Call Calvery |
CC | Change Channels |
CC | Compliment Core |
CCB | Chocolate Chip Byte-mode |
CCB | Consult Crystal Ball |
CCC | Crash if Carry Clear |
CCCC | Cash Cheque and Check Cache |
CCCP | Conditionally Corrupt Current Process |
CCD | Choke Cough and Die |
CCD | Clear Core and Dump |
CCR | Change Channels at Random |
CCS | Chinese Character Set |
CCWR | Change Color of Write Ring |
CD | Complement Disk |
CD | Concoct Data |
CDC | Clear Disk and Crash |
CDC | Close Disk Cover |
CDI | Crash Disk Immediate |
CDIOOAZ | Calm Down, It's Only Ones And Zeroes |
CDS | Change Disk Speed |
CDS | Condense and Destroy System |
CEMU | Close Eyes and Monkey with User space |
CEX | Call EXterminator |
CF | Come From [replaces goto] |
CFE | Call Field Engineer |
CFM | ConFuse Memory |
CFP | Change and Forget Password |
CFS | Corrupt File Structure |
CG | Convert to Garbage |
CH | Create Havoc |
CHCJ | Compare Haig to Christine Jorgensen |
CHPAMR | CHase Pointers Around Machine Room |
CHSE | Compare Half-words and Swap if Equal |
CIB | Change Important Byte |
CIC | Cash In Chips |
CID | Compare and Ignore Data |
CIMM | Create Imaginary Memory Map |
CIZ | Clear If Zero |
CLBR | CLoBber Register |
CLBRI | CLoBber Register Immediate[ly] |
CM | Circulate Memory |
CMB | Create Machine Bug |
CMD | CPU Melt Down |
CMD | Compare Meaningless Data |
CMFRM | CoMe FRoM [essential for truly structured programming] |
CMI | Clobber Monitor Immediate |
CML | Compute Meaning of Life |
CMP | Create Memory Prosthesis |
CMS | Click MicroSwitch |
CN | Compare Nonsensically |
CNB | Cause Nervous Breakdown |
CNS | Call Nonexistent Subroutine |
CO | Confuse Operator |
COCS | Copy Object Code to Source |
COD | Crash On Demand |
COLB | Crash for Operator's Lunch Break |
COM | Clear Operator's Mind |
COMF | COMe From |
CON | Call Operator Now |
COS | Copy Object code to Source file |
COWYHU | Come Out With Your Hands Up |
CP | Compliment Programmer |
CPUFKM | CPU FlaKeout Mode |
CPUWM | CPU Weird Mode |
CPAR | Crumple Paper And Rip |
CPB | Create Program Bug |
CPN | Call Programmer Names |
CPPR | Crumple Printer Paper and Rip |
CR | Clobber Register |
CRASH | Continue Running After Stop or Halt |
CRB | CRash and Burn |
CRD | Confirm Rumor by Denial |
CRE | Create Random Error |
CRM | CReate Memory |
CRM | Clear Random Memory |
CRN | Compare with Random Number |
CRN | Convert to Roman Numerals |
CRR | Convert to Roman numerals |
CRYPT | reCuRsive encrYPt Tape |
CS | Crash System |
CSL | Curse and Swear Loudly |
CSN | Call Supervisor Names |
CSNIO | Crash System on Next I/O |
CSS | Crash Subsidiary Systems |
CSU | Call Self Unconditional |
CTDMR | Change Tape Density, Mid Record |
CTT | Call Time and Temperature |
CU | Convert to Unary |
CUC | Cheat Until Caught |
CUME | Cover-Up Machine Errors |
CUN | Cancel all User Numbers |
CVFL | ConVert Floating to Logical |
CVFP | ConVert Fortran to Pascal |
CVG | ConVert to Garbage |
CVU | ConVert to Unary |
CWAH | Create Woman And Hold |
CWB | Carry With Borrow |
CWDC | Cut Wires and Drop Core |
CWG | Chase Wild Goose |
CWGK | Compare Watt to Genghis Khan |
CWIT | Compare Watt to Ivan the Terrible |
CWM | Compare Watt to Mussolini |
CWOM | Complement Write-Only Memory |
CZZC | Convert Zone to ZIP Code |
DA | Develop Amnesia |
DAB | Delete All Bugs |
DAC | Divide And Conquer |
DAD | Destroy A-Disk |
DAMIT | transfer control to perdition |
DAO | Divide And Overflow |
DAP | De-select Active Peripheral |
DAUF | Delete All Useless Files |
DB | Drop Bits |
DBL | Desegregate Bus Lines |
DBP | Drop Back 15 yards and Punt |
DBR | DeBase Register |
DBTP | Drop Back Ten and Punt |
DBZ | Divide By Zero |
DC | Degauss Core |
DC | Divide and Conquer |
DCAD | Dump Core And Die |
DCC | Dump Core to Chad box |
DCD | Drop Cards Double |
DCGC | Dump Confusing Garbage to Console |
DCI | Disk Crash Immediate |
DCON | Disable CONsle |
DCOR | Delete CORe |
DCR | Double-precision CRash |
DCT | Drop Cards Triple |
DCWPDGD | Drink Coffee, Write Program, Debug, Get Drunk |
DD | Destroy Disk |
DD | Drop Disk |
DDC | Dally During Calculations |
DDOA | Drop Dead On Answer |
DDS | Delaminate Disk Surface |
DDT | Debug Program |
DDWB | Deposit Directly in Waste Basket |
DEB | Disk Eject Both |
DEC | Decompile Executable Code |
DEI | Disk Eject Immediate |
DEM | Disk Eject Memory |
DFA | Disable FAns |
DGO | Decrement the Grades of Others |
DGT | Dispense Gin and Tonic |
DHTPL | Disk Head Three Point Landing |
DIA | Develop Ineffective Address |
DIC | DisIntegrate Circuits |
DIC | Drop Into Check |
DICE | Delete Invalid Customer Engineer |
DIE | DIsable Everything |
DIF | DIsable Fuses |
DIG | DIsable Gravity |
DIGO | Data In, Garbage Out |
DIH | Disable Interrupts and Hang |
DIIL | Disable Interrupts and enter Infinite Loop |
DIRFO | Do It Right For Once |
DISC | DISmount CPU |
DIVZDX | DIVide by Zero and Disregard eXception |
DK | Destroy Klingons |
DKWMM | DisK unit Washing Machine Mode |
DKP | Disavow Knowledge of Programmer |
DLN | Don't Look Now |
DLP | Drain Literal Pool |
DM | Destroy Memory |
DMAG | Do MAGic |
DMNS | Do what i Mean, Not what i Say |
DMP | Destroy Memory Protect key |
DMPE | Decide to Major in Phys. Ed. |
DMPK | Destroy Memory Protect Key |
DMPK | Disable Memory Protect Key |
DMV | Double Mains Voltage |
DMZ | Divide Memory by Zero |
DND | Destroy Neighbor's Data |
DNPG | Do Not Pass Go |
DO | Divide and Overflow |
DO | Divide and Overflow [IBM PC] |
DOC | Drive Operator Crazy |
DOV | Divide and OVerflow |
DP | Destroy Peripherals |
DPC | Decrement Program Counter |
DPCS | Decrement Program Counter Secretly |
DPK | Destroy storage Protect Key |
DPMI | Declare Programmer Mentally Incompetent |
DPN | Double Precision No-op |
DPR | Destroy PRogram |
DPS | Disable Power Supply |
DR | Detach Root |
DRAF | DRAw Flowchart |
DRAM | Decrement RAM |
DRBA | Deposit Round-off in my Bank Account |
DRD | DRop Dead |
DRI | Disable Random Interrupt |
DROM | Destroy ROM |
DRT | Disconnect Random Terminal |
DS | Deadlock System |
DSD | Dismount System Disk |
DSI | Do Something Interesting |
DSO | Disable System Operator |
DSP | Degrade System Performance |
DSR | Delete SubRoutine |
DSR | Detonate Status Register |
DSTD | Do Something Totally Different |
DSUIT | Do Something Utterly, Indescribably Terrible |
DTFFP | DecTape unload and Flappa FlaP |
DTSHO | DecTape Spin Hubs Opposite |
DTB | Destructively Test Bit |
DTBCD | Destory Tapes B, C, and D |
DTC | Destroy This Command |
DTE | Decrement Telephone Extension |
DTI | Do The Impossible |
DTRT | Do The Right Thing |
DTVFL | Destroy Third Variable From Left |
DU | Dump User |
DUD | Do Until Dead |
DW | Destroy World |
DWIM | Do What I Mean |
DWIMNWIS | Do What I Mean, Not What I Say |
DWIT | Do What I'm Thinking |
DWIW | Do What I Want |
EA | Enable Anything |
EAC | Emulate Acoustic Coupler |
EAL | Enable AC to Logic rack |
EAO | Enable AC to Operator |
EBB | Edit and Blank Buffer |
EBB | Empty Bit Bucket |
EBR | Erase Before Reading |
EBRS | Emit Burnt Resistor Smell |
EC | Eat Card |
ECB | Eject Chad Box |
ECF | Explode and Catch Fire |
ECL | Early Care Lace |
ECO | Electrocute Computer Operator |
ECP | Erase Card Punch |
ED | Eject Disk |
ED | Execute Data |
EDD | Eat Disk and Die |
EDIT | Erase Data and Increment Time |
EDMB | Electrocute DP Manager and Branch |
EDP | Emulate Debugged Program |
EDR | Emit Deadly Radiation |
EDR | Execute Destructive Read |
EDS | Execute Data Segment |
EEG | Erase Eighteen minute Gap |
EEOIFNO | Execute Every Other Instruction From Now On |
EEP | Erase Entire Program |
EFB | Emulate Five-volt Battery |
EFD | Eject Floppy Disk |
EFD | Emulate Frisbee using Disk pack |
EFE | Emulate Fatal Error |
EHC | Emulate Headless Chicken |
EIA | Elvis Is Alive |
EIAO | Execute In Any Order |
EIEIO | Evaluate, Increment, Excrement, Invert, Output |
EIO | Erase I/O page |
EIO | Execute Invalid Opcode |
EIOC | Execute Invalid OpCode |
EIS | Encrypt Instruction Set |
EJD | EJect Disk |
EJDV | EJect Disk with initial velocity V |
ELP | Enter Loop Permanently |
EM | EMulate 407 |
EM | Evacuate Memory |
EMCP | Eject Math Co-Processor |
EMIF | Erase Most Important File |
EMM | Emulate More Memory |
EMPC | EMulate Pocket Calculator |
EMSE | Edit and Mark Something Else |
EMSL | Entire Memory Shift Left |
EMT | Electrocute Maintenance Technician |
EMW | Emulate Maytag Washer |
ENA | ENable Anything |
END | Erase Neighbor's Data |
ENE | ENable Everything |
ENF | Emit Noxious Fumes |
ENG | ENable Gravity |
ENO | Emulate No-Op |
EO | Electrocute Operator |
EO | Execute Operator |
EOB | Execute Operator and Branch |
EOI | Explode On Interrupt |
EOS | Erase Operating System |
EP | Execute Programmer |
EPD | Explode Peripheral Device |
EPI | Execute Programmer Immediate[ly] |
EPITS | Execute Previous Instruction Then Skip |
EPL | Emulate Phone Line |
EPMA | Erase Protected Memory Areas |
EPP | Eject Printer Paper |
EPP | Execute Political Prisoner |
EPS | Electrostatic Print and Smear |
EPS | Execute Program Sideways |
EPSW | Execute Program Status Word |
EPT | Erase Process Table |
EPT | Erase Punched Tape |
EPW | Erase Print Wheel |
ERD | Eject Removable Disk |
ERIC | Eject Random Integrated Circuit |
ERM | Erase Reserved Memory |
EROM | Erase Read-Only Memory |
EROS | Erase Read-Only Storage |
EROS | Erase Read-Only Storage [Everex int] |
ERS | Erase Read-only Storage |
ESB | Eject Selectric Ball |
ESC | Emulate System Crash |
ESD | Eat Shit and Die |
ESD | Eject Spinning Dish |
ESL | Exceed Speed of Light |
ESNPR | Emergency Stop - No Possible Restart |
ESP | Enable SPrinkler system |
ESP | Execute Systems Programmer |
ETC | EaT Card |
ETI | Execute This Instruction |
ETM | Emulate Trinary Machine |
ETPH | E. T. Phone Home |
EVC | Execute Verbal Commands |
EWD | Enter Warp Drive |
EWM | Enter Whimsy Mode |
EXB | EXcrement and Branch |
EXCE | EXecute Customer Engineer |
EXE | EXecute Engineer |
EXI | EXecute Invalid operation |
EXO | EXecute Operator |
EXOI | EXecute Operator Immediately |
EXOP | EXecute OPerator |
EXP | EXecute Programmer |
EXPP | EXecute Political Prisoner |
FAY | Fetch Amulet of Yendor |
FB | Find Bugs |
FC | Fry Console |
FCJ | Feed Card and Jam |
FCJ | Feed Cards and Jam |
FD | Forget Data |
FDR | Feed Disk Randomly |
FERA | Forms Eject and Run Away |
FFF | Form Feed Forever |
FLD | FLing Disk |
FLI | Flash Lights Impressively |
FM | Forget Memory |
FMP | Finish My Program |
FOAD | Find Other Accumulator and Destroy |
FOPC | False Out-of-Paper Condition |
FPC | Feed Paper Continuously |
FPT | Fire Photon Torpedoes |
FRG | Fill with Random Garbage |
FRS | Fetch Ring of Sauron |
FS | Feign Sleep |
FSM | Fold, Spindle, and Mutilate |
FSR | Form Skip and Runaway |
FSRA | Forms Skip and Run Away |
FUBAR | Foul Up Buffers And Retry |
FYBR | Follow Yellow Brick Road |
GAP | Grade All Projects |
GBB | Go to Back of Bus |
GCAR | Get Correct Answer Regardless |
GCR | Generate Confusing Results |
GDP | Grin Defiantly at Programmer |
GDR | Grab Degree and Run |
GENT | GENerate Thesis |
GE | {JO} Go to the End of the World {Jump Off} |
GFD | Go Forth and Divide |
GFM | Go Forth and Multiply |
GIDO | Garbage In, Data Out |
GIE | Generate Irreversible Error |
GL | Get Lost |
GLC | Generate Lewd Comment |
GMC | Generate Machine Check |
GMCB | Generate Machine Check and Bounce |
GMCC | Generate Machine Check and Cash |
GND | Guess at Next Digit |
GORS | GO Real Slow |
GPCR | Generate Petty Cache Request |
GPE | Generate Parity Error |
GR | Get Real |
GREM | Generate Random Error Message |
GREP | Global Ruin, Expiration, and Purgation |
GRMC | Generate Rubber Machine Check |
GS | Get Strange |
GSB | Gulp and Store Bytes |
GSI | Generate Spurious Interrupts |
GSU | Geometric Shift Up |
GTJ | Go To Jail |
HAC | Hold All Calls |
HACF | Halt And Catch Fire |
HAH | Halt And Hang |
HBW | Hang Bus and Wait |
HCF | Halt and Catch Fire [IBM 360/63 did this at CIT once] |
HCP | Hide Central Processor |
HCRS | Hang in CRitical Section |
HDH | Hi Dee Ho |
HDO | Halt and Disable Operator |
HDRW | Halt and Display Random Word |
HELP | Hinder Everyone with Little Productivity |
HELP | Type 'No Help Available' |
HEO | Halt and Execute Operator |
HF | Hide File |
HFLAB | Halt if Flashing Lights on Address Bus |
HGD | Halt, Get Drunk |
HHB | Halt and Hang Bus |
HIS | Halt in Imposible State |
HOO | Hide Operator's Output |
HRPR | Hang up and Ruin Printer Ribbon |
HS | Hide and Seek |
HSC | Halt on System Crash |
HSJ | Halt, Skip and Jump |
HTC | Halt and Toss Cookies |
HTS | Halt and Throw Sparks |
HUAL | Halt Until After Lunch |
HUP | Hang Up Phone |
HWP | Halt Without Provocation |
IA | Illogical And |
IAE | Ignore All Exceptions |
IAI | Inquire And Ignore |
IAND | Illogical AND |
IAR | Ignore All Requests |
IB | Insert Bug |
IBM | Illegal Bit Maneuver |
IBM | Increment and Branch to Muncee |
IBP | Insert Bug and Proceed |
IBR | Insert Bugs at Random |
IC | Interlock Core |
ICB | Interrupt, Crash and Burn |
ICM | Immerse Central Memory |
ICMD | Initiate Core Melt Down |
ICR | Incur Costly Repair [Sun Tempest] |
ICSP | Invert Crt Screen Picture |
IDA | Invert Digital Array |
IDC | Initiate Destruct Command |
IDI | Invoke Divine Intervention |
IDNOP | InDirect No-OP |
IDPS | Ignore Disk Protect Switch |
IECP | Introduce Error in Chess Program |
IEOF | Ignore End Of File |
IF | Invoke Force |
IFOR | Initialize Fake-Out Routine |
IGI | Increment Grade Immediate |
IGIT | Increment Grade Immediate Twice |
IGO | Increment Grade Overnight |
IHC | Initiate Head Crash |
IHTFP | Increment Hormones, Test For Puberty |
II | Ignore Inquiry |
II | Inquire and Ignore |
IIB | Ignore Inquiry and Branch |
IIC | Insert Invisible Characters |
IIH | Ignore Inquiry and Hang |
IIL | Irreversable Infinite Loop |
ILPS | Invert Logical Power Supply |
IM | Imagine Memory |
IMBP | Insert Mistake and Blame Programmer |
IMP | Imitate Monty Python |
IMPG | IMPress Girlfriend |
IMV | IMpress Visitors |
INCAM | INCrement Arbitrary Memory |
ING | INquire and iGnore |
INI | Ignore Next Instruction |
INOP | Indirect No-OP |
INR | INstigate Rumor |
INSQSW | INSert into Queue SomeWhere [for fino queues [first in never out]] |
INW | INvalidate Warranty |
IOI | Ignore Operator's Instruction |
IOP | Interrupt and Order Pizza |
IOR | Illogical OR |
IOS | Ignore Operating System |
IP | Increment and Pray |
IPI | Ignore Previous Instruction |
IPM | Ignore Programmer's Mistakes |
IPOP | Interrupt Processor, Order Pizza |
IPS | Incinerate Power Supply |
IPS | Increment Power Supply |
IPT | Ignite Paper Tape |
IRB | Invert Record and Branch |
IRBI | Insert Random Bits Indexed |
IRC | Insert Random Commands |
IRE | Insert Random Errors |
IRI | Ignore Rude Interrupts |
IRPF | Infinite Recursive Page Fault |
ISC | Ignore Supervisor Call[s] |
ISC | Ignore System Crash |
ISC | Insert Sarcastic Comments |
ISI | Increment and Skip on Inifinity |
ISL | Illogical Shift Left |
ISP | Increment and Skip on Pi |
ISR | Illogical Shift Right |
ISTK | Invert STacK |
ITML | Initiate Termites into Macro Library |
IU | Ignore User[s] |
IXOR | Illogical eXclusive OR |
IZ | Ignore Zeroes |
JAA | Jump Almost Always |
JBS | Jump and Blow Stack |
JC | Jam Card punch |
JC | Jump to Conclusions |
JCI | Jump to Current Instruction |
JDO | Jump and Destroy Operator |
JFC | Jump to Floor and Crash |
JFM | Jump on Full Moon |
JHRB | Jump to H&R Block |
JK | Jam Keypunch |
JLP | Jump and Lose Pointer |
JLR | Jump and Lose Return |
JMAT | JuMp on Alternate Thursdays |
JN | Jump to Nowhere |
JNL | Jump when programmer is Not Looking |
JOB | Jump On Beaver |
JOM | Jump Out of Memory |
JOM | Jump Over Moon |
JOP | Jump OPerator |
JPA | Jump when Pizza Arrives |
JRAN | Jump RANdom |
JRCF | Jump Relative and Catch Fire |
JRGA | Jump Relative and Get Arrested |
JRL | Jump to Random Location |
JRSR | Jump to Random SubRoutine |
JS | Jump Somewhere |
JSC | Jump on System Crash |
JSOR | Jump Somewhere Over Rainbow |
JSU | Jump Self Unconditional |
JT | Jump if Tuesday |
JTT | Jump and Tangle Tape |
JTZ | Jump to Twilight Zone |
JWN | Jump When Necessary |
KCE | Kill Consultant on Error |
KCE | Kill repairman [CE] |
KDO | Knock Disk Over |
KEPITU | Kill Every Process In The Universe |
KOP | Kill OPerator |
KP | Krunch Paper |
KPR | Kill PRogrammer |
KSR | Keyboard Shift Right |
KUD | Kill User's Data |
KWWE | Kill Wicked Witch of East |
KWWW | Kill Wicked Witch of West |
LAC | Lose All Communication |
LAGW | Load And Go Wrong |
LAP | Laugh At Program |
LAP | Laugh At Programmer |
LC | Loop Continuously |
LCC | Load and Clear Core |
LCD | Launch Cartridge Disk |
LCK | Lock Console Keyswitch |
LEB | Link Edit Backwards |
LGA | Load and Go Away |
LIA | Load Ineffective Address |
LMB | Lose Message and Branch |
LMO | Load and Mug Operator |
LMYB | Logical MaYBe |
LN | Lose inode Number |
LNP | Load N digits of Pi |
LO | Load Operator |
LOSM | Log Off System Manager |
LPPAS | Line Printer Print And Smear |
LPRDD | Line Printer Reverse Drum Direction |
LPTCR | Line Printer Tangle and Chew Ribbon |
LPA | Lead Programmer Astray |
LPRTC | Load Program counter from Real Time Clock |
LR | Load Revolver |
LRA | Load RetroActively |
LRB | Lose Record and Branch |
LRD | Load Random Data |
LSPSW | Load and Scramble PSW |
LTS | Link To Sputnik |
LTS | Loop Till Smokes |
LUM | LUbricate Memory |
LWE | Load WhatEver |
LWM | Load Write-only Memory |
LWOM | Load Write-Only Memory |
MAB | Melt Address Bus |
MAN | Make Animal Noises |
MAZ | Multiply Answer by Zero |
MBC | Make Batch Confetti |
MBF | Multiply and Be Fruitful |
MBH | Memory Bank Hold-up |
MBTD | Mount Beatles on Tape Drive |
MBTOL | Move Bug To Operator's Lunch |
MC | Move Continuous |
MD | Move Devious |
MDB | Move and Drop Bits |
MDC | Make Disk Crash |
MDDHAF | Make Disk Drive Hop Across Floor |
MFO | Mount Female Operator |
MILI | Move It or Lose It |
MLB | Memory Left shift and Branch |
MLP | Make Lousy Program |
MLP | Multiply and Lose Precision |
MLR | Move and Lose Record |
MMF | Melt Main Frame |
MMLG | Make Me Look Good |
MNI | Misread Next Instruction |
MOG | Make Operator Growl |
MOL | Move it Or Lose it |
MOP | Modify Operator's Personality |
MOU | MOunt User [causes computer to screw you] |
MPLP | Make Pretty Light Pattern |
MRZ | Make Random Zap |
MSF | Make Silly Face |
MSGD | Make Screen Go Dim |
MSLB | Memory Shift Left and Branch |
MSP | Mistake Sign for Parity |
MSPI | Make Sure Plugged In |
MSR | Melt Special Register |
MST | Mount Scotch Tape |
MTHRDV | Mag Tape High speed Rewind and Drop Vaccuum |
MTE | Mangle Tape on Exit |
MTI | Make Tape Invalid |
MTS | Move to Tape Stretcher |
MUG | Make Ugly Graphics |
MULZTO | MULtiply by Zero and Trap on Overflow |
MUM | Multi-Use Mnemonics |
MVAR | MoVe to Random Address |
MVLR | MoVe and Lose Record |
MVRA | MoVe to Random Address |
MW | Malfunction Whenever |
MW | Multiply Work |
MWAG | Make Wild-Assed Guess |
MWC | Move and Wrap Core |
MWT | Malfunction Without Telling |
NBC | Negate By Clearing |
NCW | Notch Carriage and Way |
NESI | No one Expects the Spanish Inquisition |
NMI | Negate Most Integers |
NOP | Needlessly Omit Pointer |
NPC | Normalize Program Counter |
NPN | No Program Necessary [VAX] |
NTGH | Not Tonight, i've Got a Headache |
OBB | Overflow Bit Bucket |
OCF | Open Circular File |
OHS | Order Ham Sandwich |
OMC | Obscene Message to Console |
OMC | Overheat Memory Chip |
OML | Obey Murphy's Laws |
OPI | Order Pizza Immediately |
OPP | Order Pizza for Programmer |
ORSD | On Read error Self-Destruct |
OSI | Overflow Stack Immediate |
OSI | Overflow Stack Indefinite |
OSP | Open Six-Pack |
OTL | Out To Lunch |
OU | Offend User |
P$ | ! Punch Obscenity |
PA | Punch in ASCII |
PAL | Pack And Leave |
PAS | Print And Smear |
PAUD | PAUse Dramatically |
PAZ | Pack Alpha Zone |
PAZ | Pack Alpha and drop Zones |
PBC | Print and Break Chain |
PBD | Print and Break Drum |
PBL | Pack Bags and Leave |
PBM | Pop Bubble Memory |
PBPBPBP | Place Backup in Plain Brown Paper Bag Please |
PBS | Pop Before Stacking |
PBS | Print on the Back of the Screen |
PBST | Play Batch mode Star Trek |
PCB | Pause for Coffee Break |
PCD | PunCh Disk |
PCI | Pleat Cards Immediate |
PCR | Print and Cut Ribbon |
PCR | Punch Card Reader |
PCS | Push to Centre of Stack |
PD | Play Dead |
PD | Punch Disk |
PDK | Punch DisK |
PDLD | Power Down and Lock Door [to computer room] |
PDM | Play Drum Memory [dated, wot?] |
PDP | Pop Disk Pack |
PDSK | Punch DiSK |
PEHC | Punch Extra Holes in Cards |
PEP | Print on Edge of Paper |
PF | Punch, Fruit |
PFD | Punt on Fourth Down |
PFE | Print Floating Eye |
PFML | Print Four Million Lines |
PG | Print Garbage |
PH | Phone Home |
PHO | Pull Hair Out |
PI | Punch Invalid |
PIBM | Pretend to be an IBM |
PIC | Print Illegible Characters |
PIC | Print Invalid Character |
PIC | Punch Invalid Character |
PLSC | Perform Light Show on Console |
PM | Punch Memory |
PNIH | Place Needle In Haystack |
PNRP | Print Nasty Replies to Programmer |
PO | Punch Operator |
POCL | Punch Out Console Lights |
POF | Print On Fly |
POG | Print Only Greek |
POI | Punch Operator Immediate |
POP | Pop Or Push |
POPI | Punch OPerator Immediate[ly] |
POPN | Punch OPerator's Nose |
PPA | Print Paper Airplanes |
PPC | Purge Pascal Compiler [HP 3000] |
PPL | Perform Perpetual Loop |
PPP | Print Programmer's Picture |
PPR | Play Punk Rock |
PPS | Push or Pop Stack [6502 does this sometimes] |
PPSW | Pack Program Status Word |
PRS | PRint and Smear |
PS | Print and Smear |
PS* | Punch Obscenity |
PSD | Pause and Smoke Dope |
PSP | Print and Shred Paper |
PSR | Print and Shred Ribbon |
PT | Punch Tape |
PTP | Produce Toilet Paper |
PUO | Perform Unknown Operation |
PURB | Pick Up Random Bits |
PVC | Punch Variable-length Card |
PVLC | Punch Variable Length Card |
PWP | Print Without Paper |
PWS | create PoWer Surge |
PYS | Program YourSelf |
QBDH | Quit and Become a DeadHead |
QWYA | Quit While Your Ahead |
RA | Randomize Answer |
RAM | Randomly Access Memory |
RAM | Read Ambiguous Memory |
RAN | RANdom opcode [similar to 16-bit what gate] |
RASC | Read And Shred Card |
RAST | Read And Shred Tape |
RAU | Ridicule All Users |
RBAG | Random Branch Address Generator |
RBAO | Ring Bell and Annoy Operator |
RBG | Random Bug Generator |
RBLY | Restore Back-up from Last Year |
RBT | Read Blank Tape |
RBT | Rewind and Break Tape |
RC | Read Chaos |
RC | Rewind Core |
RCAJ | Read Card And Jam |
RCB | Read Chad Box |
RCB | Read Command Backwards |
RCB | Run Clock Backwards |
RCC | Read Card and Chew |
RCCP | Randomly Corrupt Current Process |
RCF | Rewind Cabinet Fans |
RCKG | Read Count Key and Garbage |
RCKG | Read Count Key and Giggle |
RCL | Rotate Carry Left |
RCP | Reschedule Car Payments |
RCP | Rewind Card Punch |
RCR | Rewind Card Reader |
RCRV | Randomly Convert to Reverse Video |
RCS | Read Card and Scramble data |
RCSD | Read Card and Scramble Data |
RCSD | Read Card and Scramble Deck |
RD | Randomize Data |
RD | Reverse Directions |
RDA | Refuse to Disclose Answer |
RDB | Replace Database with Blanks |
RDB | Run Disk Backwards |
RDD | Reverse Disk Drive |
RDDBF | Rock Disk Drive Back and Forth |
RDEB | Read and Drop Even number of Bits |
RDF | Randomize Directory Filenames |
RDI | Reverse Disk Immediate |
RDI | Reverse Drum Immediate |
RDI | Reverse Drun Immediate |
RDI | Rewind Disk Immediate |
RDK | Reverse DisK |
RDKI | Reverse DisK Immediate |
RDP | ReaD card Punch |
RDR | Reverse Disk Rotation |
RDS | ReaD Sideways |
RENVR | REName Variables Randomly |
RET | Read and Erase Tape |
RF | Read Fingerprints |
RF | Rewind Forward |
RFS | Resume Flight Simulator |
RFSC | Read Feed and Shred Card |
RG | Record Garbage |
RHNEZ | Randomize and Halt if Not Equal to Zero |
RHO | Randomize and Hold all Output |
RIC | Rotate Illogical thru Carry |
RID | Read Invalid Data |
RIG | Read Interrecord Gap |
RIODN | Rotate I/O Device Numbers |
RIOP | Rotate I/O Ports |
RIOS | Read In-Only Storage |
RIR | Read Invalid Record |
RIRG | Read Inter-Record Gap |
RJE | Return Jump and Explode |
RLC | Relocate and Lose Core |
RLC | Reread Last Card |
RLC | Rotate Left with Carolyn |
RLI | Rotate Left Indefinitely |
RLP | Refill Light Pen |
RLP | Rewind Line Printer |
RM | Reinitialize Meter |
RM | Ruin My files |
RMI | Randomize Memory Immediate |
RMM | Read Manager's Mind |
RMT | ReMove Trap |
RMV | Remove Memory Virtues |
RN | Read Noise |
RNBS | Reflect Next Bus Signal |
RNR | Read Noise Record |
ROC | Randomize Op Codes |
ROC | Rotate Outward from Center |
ROD | ROtate Diagonally |
ROLP | Rewind On-Line Printer |
ROM | Read Operator's Mind |
ROO | Rub Out Operator |
ROOP | Run Out Of Paper |
ROPF | Read Other People's Files |
ROS | Reject Operating System |
ROS | Return On Shield |
RP | Read Printer |
RPB | Raise Parity Bits |
RPB | Read Print and Blush |
RPB | Reverse Parity and Branch |
RPBR | Reverse Parity and BRanch |
RPC | Rotate Program Counter |
RPL | Read PLotter |
RPM | Read Programmer's Mind |
RPU | Read character and Print Upsidedown |
RRC | Rotate Random thru Carry |
RRR | Randomly Rotate Register |
RRR | Read Record and Run away |
RRR | Rotate Right Randomly |
RRRL | Random Rotate Register Left |
RRRR | Random Rotate Register Right |
RRSGWSSNK | Round and Round She Goes, Where She Stops, Nobody Knows |
RRSTC | Return on Ruby Slippers Triple-Click |
RRT | Record and Rip Tape |
RRTD | Read Rules, Then Delete them |
RRTU | Read Rules, Then Update them |
RS | Random Slew |
RS | Read Sideways |
RSC | Read and Shred Card |
RSD | Read and Shuffle Deck |
RSD | on Read error Self-Destruct |
RSSC | Reduce Speed, Step Carefully [for improved accuracy] |
RST | Rewind and Stretch Tape |
RSTOM | Read from STore-Only Memory |
RSVP | Read, Shred, Vacillate and Punt |
RT | Reduce Throughput |
RTAB | Rewind Tape And Break |
RTP | Reduce ThroughPut |
RTR | Refuse To Run |
RTS | Return To Sender [address unknown] |
RVAC | Return from VACation |
RWBT | ReWind and Break Tape |
RWC | ReWind and Crash heads |
RWCR | ReWind Card Reader |
RWD | ReWind Disk |
RWDSK | ReWind DiSK |
RWE | Run Without Error |
RWF | Read Wrong File |
RWM | ReWind Memory |
RWOC | Read Writing On Card |
RWRT | Read While Ripping Tape |
RWRT | Read, Write, and Rip Tape |
RWT | Read/Write while stretching Tape |
SA | Store Anywhere |
SABC | Shake And Bake Chips |
SAC | Scramble All Channels |
SAD | Search And Destroy |
SAI | Skip All Instructions |
SAICZ | Set All Immediate Constants to Zero [pronounced "sexy"] |
SAK | Snooze At Keyboard |
SAS | Show Appendix Scar |
SAS | Sit And Spin |
SB | Shift a Bit |
SBE | Swap Bits Erratically |
SBF | Skip on Bitbucket Full |
SBM | Shift a Bit More |
SC | Scramble Channels |
SC | Shred Cards |
SCB | Spindle Card and Belch |
SCCA | Short Circuit on Correct Answer |
SCD | Shuffle and Cut Dec |
SCH | Slit Cards Horizontal |
SCI | Shred Cards Immediate |
SCL | Shift a Chip Left |
SCM | Set for Crash Mode |
SCOM | Set Cobol-Only Mode |
SCP | SCatter Printer |
SCR | Shift a Chip Right |
SCRBL | SCRibBLe to disk - faster than a write |
SCRRC | SCRamble Register Contents |
SCST | Switch Channel to Star Trek |
SCTR | Stick Card To Reader |
SD | Scatter Deck |
SD | Scramble Directory |
SD | Slip Disk |
SD | Snare Drum |
SDAT | Scatter DATa |
SDC | Spool Disk to Console |
SDD | Seek and Destroy Data |
SDD | Spin Disk Dry |
SDDB | Snap Disk Drive Belt |
SDE | Solve Differential Equations |
SDI | Self Destruct Immediate |
SDK | Slip DisK |
SDM | Search and Destroy Memory |
SDR | Slam Down Rondo [worst soda ever made] |
SEB | Stop Eating and Burp |
SEOB | Set Every Other Bit |
SESUR | Sing Elvis Songs Until he Returns |
SEX | Set EXecution register |
SEX | Sign EXtend |
SFH | Set Flags to Half-mast |
SFP | Send For Pizza |
SFR | Send For Reinforcements |
SFT | Stall For Time |
SFTT | Strip Form Tractor Teeth |
SGP | Shit or Get off the Pot |
SHAB | SHift A Bit |
SHABM | SHift A Bit More |
SHB | Stop and Hang Bus |
SHCD | SHuffle Card Deck |
SHIT | Stop Here If Thursday |
SHLBM | SHift a Little Bit More |
SHON | Simulate HONeywell CPU [permanent no-op] |
SHR | SHift Random |
SHRC | SHRed Card |
SHRT | SHRed Tape |
SID | Switch to Infinite Density |
SIP | Store Indefinite Precision |
SIPA | SInking Point Arithmetic |
SJV | Scramble Jump Vectors |
SLC | Search for Lost Chord |
SLP | Sharpen Light Pen |
SLP | Sharpen Light Pencil |
SLPA | SLiding Point Arithmetic |
SM | Scatter Memory |
SMC | Scatter Multiplexor Channel |
SMC | Scramble Memory Contents |
SMD | Spontaneous Memory Dump |
SMR | Skip on Meaningless Result |
SMS | Shred Mylar Surface |
SNAFU | System Needs A Fuck-Up |
SNARF | System Normalize And Reset Flags |
SNM | Show No Mercy |
SNO | Send Nukes on Overflow |
SOAWP | SOlve All the World'd Problems |
SOB | Shit On Byte |
SOB | Stew On Brew |
SOD | Surrender Or Die |
SOI | Screw O'coin Intentional [personal one] |
SOL | Shift On Low |
SOL | Shit Out of Luck |
SOP | Stop and Order Pizza |
SOS | Sign Off, Stupid |
SOT | Sit On a Tack |
SP | Scatter Print |
SPA | Sliding Point Arithmetic |
SPB | Simulate Peanut Butter |
SPD | SPin Disk |
SPD | SPin dry Disk |
SPD | Shuffle Program Deck |
SPOFF | Switch Processor OFF |
SPON | Switch Processor ON |
SPPC | Suspend Printing Playboy Calendar |
SPS | Set Panel Switches |
SPSW | Scramble Program Status Word |
SQPC | Sit Quietly and Play with your Crayons |
SQPWYC | Sit Quietly and Play With Your Crayons |
SRBO | Set Random Bits to Ones |
SRBZ | Set Random Bits to Zeroes |
SRC | Select Random Channel |
SRC | Select Reader and Chew cards |
SRC | Skip to Random Channel |
SRCC | Select Reader and Chew Cards |
SRD | Switch to Random Density |
SRDR | Shift Right Double Ridiculous |
SRNZ | Subtract and Reset to NonZero |
SRO | Sort with Random Ordering |
SROS | Store in Read-Only Storage |
SRR | Shift Registers Random |
SRSD | Seek Record and Scar Disk |
SRSD | Seek Record and Scratch Disk |
SRTC | Stop Real-Time Clock |
SRU | Signoff Random User |
SRZ | Subtract and Reset to Zero |
SSB | Scramble Status Byte |
SSD | Scratch System Disk |
SSD | Seek and Scar Disk |
SSD | Stacker Select Disk |
SSD | Stop and Scratch Disk [3815] |
SSJ | Select Stacker and Jam |
SSJP | Select Stacker and JumP |
SSM | Solve by Supernatural Means |
SSM | Stacker Select Memory |
SSP | Seek SPindle |
SSP | Smoke and SPark |
SST | Seek and Stretch Tape |
SST | Stop and Stretch Tape |
SSW | Scramble Status Word |
ST | Set and Test |
STA | STore Anywhere |
STC | Slow To a Crawl |
STD | Stop, Take Drugs |
STM | STretch Magtape |
STM | Skip on Third Monday |
STO | Strangle Tape Operator |
STPR | SToP Rain |
STRIKE | STRIKE for more pay, better hours, etc. |
STROM | STore in Read-Only Memory |
STTHB | Set Terminal to Three Hundred Baud |
SUIQ | Subtract User's IQ |
SUME | SUprise ME |
SUP | Shred User Printout |
SUP | Solve Unsolvable Problem |
SUR | Screw Up Royally |
SUS | Stop Until Spring |
SUS | Subtract Until Senseless |
SWAT | SWAp Terminals |
SWN | SWap Nibbles |
SWOS | Store in Write-Only Storage |
SWS | Sort to Wrong Slots |
SWT | Select Wrong Terminal |
SWU | Select Wrong Unit |
SWZN | Skip Whether Zero or Not |
SZD | Switch to Zero Density |
TAH | Take A Hike |
TAI | Trap Absurd Inputs |
TARC | Take Arithmetic Review Course |
TBFTG | Two Burgers and Fries To Go |
TC | Transmit Colors |
TCD | Transfer Control to Disk |
TCOL | Transfer Control to Overhead Lights |
TCPL | Transfer Control to Pilot Lights |
TCWS | Transfer Control to Wall Socket |
TDB | Transfer and Drop Bits |
TDRB | Test and Destroy Random Bits |
TDS | Trash Data Segment |
TET | Triple Execution Time [SUN] |
TH | Transfer and Hang |
TLNF | Teach me a Lesson i'll Never Forget |
TLO | Turn indicator Lights Off |
TLR | Transfer and Lose Return |
TLW | Transfer and Lose Way |
TMD | Transfer Monitor to Disk |
TN | Take a Nap |
TOAC | Turn Off Air Conditioner |
TOG | Take Out Garbage |
TOG | Time Out, Graduate |
TOH | Take Operator Hostage |
TOO | Turn On/off Operator |
TOP | Trap OPerator |
TOS | Trash Operating System |
TOW | Take Over World |
TPD | Terminal Printer Destruct |
TPD | Total Program Diagnostic |
TPD | Triple Pack Decimal |
TPDH | Tell Programmer to Do it Himself |
TPF | Turn Power oFf |
TPN | Turn Power oN |
TPO | Turn Power Off |
TPR | Tear Paper |
TR | Turn into Rubbish |
TRA | Te Rdls Arvs [type ridiculous abbreviations] |
TRD | TRansfer and Drop bit |
TSE | Test and Swap if Equal |
TSH | Trap Secretary and Halt |
TSM | Trap Secretary and Mount |
TST | Trash System Tracks |
TSTT | TeSt a biT for Two |
TTCN | TeleType Clunk Noise |
TTEKB | TeleType Electrify KeyBoard |
TTA | Try, Try Again |
TTAS | Twist Tape And Shout |
TTIHLIC | Try To Imagine How Little I Care |
TTITT | Turn 2400 foot Tape Into Two 1200 foot Tapes |
TTL | Tap Trunk Line |
TTL | Time To Logoff |
TYF | Trust Your Feelings |
UA | Unload Accumulator |
UAI | Use Alternate Instruction set |
UAP | (AM)Use All Power Available (And More) |
UCB | Uncouple CPU[s] and Branch |
UCIP | Update Card In Place |
UCK | Unlock Console Keyswitch |
UCLB | Uncouple Comm Lines and Branch |
UCM | Uncouple CoMm lines and branch |
UDR | Update and Delete Record |
UEPM | Update and Erase Programmer's Mind |
UER | Update and Erase Record |
UFO | Unidentified Flag Operation |
ULDA | UnLoaD Accumulator |
UMH | Use Mains voltage as logic High |
UMR | Unlock Machine Room |
UNPD | UNPlug and Dump |
UOP | Useless OPeration |
UP | Understand Program[mer] |
UPA | Use all Power Available |
UPC | Understand Program[mer]'s Comments |
UPI | Undo Previous Instruction |
URB | Update, Resume and Branch |
US | Upset Stacker |
UTF | Unwind Tape onto Floor |
UTF | Use The Force |
UUBR | Use Undefined Base Register |
VAX | Violate All eXecutions |
VFE | Violate Field Engineer |
VFO | Violate Female Operator |
VM | Virtueless Memory |
VMA | Violate Maintenance Agreement |
VNO | Violate Noise Ordinance |
VPA | Vanishing Point Arithmetic |
VVM | Vaporize Virtual Memory |
WAD | Walk Away in Disgust |
WAT | WAste Time |
WBB | Write to the Bit Bucket |
WBT | Water Binary Tree |
WC | Waste Core |
WCKG | Write Count Key and Giggle |
WCR | Write to Card Reader |
WDR | Warp disk DRive |
WED | Write and Erase Data |
WEMG | Write Eighteen Minute Gap |
WF | Wait Forever |
WGPB | Write Garbage in Process-control Block |
WHFO | Wait until Hell Freezes Over |
WHP | Wave Hands over Program |
WHR | Write Hit Record |
WI | Why Immediate |
WI | Write Illegibly |
WID | Write Invalid Data |
WMC | Write Millions of Comments |
WMTE | Wrap Memory Transfer Erase |
WN | Why Not? |
WNAM | We Need A Miracle |
WNHR | Write New Hit Record |
WNR | Write Noise Record |
WP | Write Poop |
WPET | Write Past End of Tape |
WPF | Write to Protected Files |
WPM | Write Programmer's Mind |
WRC | Write on Read-Cycle |
WRP | Write RAM Permanently |
WSE | Write Stack Everywhere |
WSWW | Work in Strange and Wondrous Ways |
WUPO | Wad Up Printer Output |
WWLR | Write Wrong Length Record |
WWR | Write Wrong Record |
XAND | eXclusive AND |
XIO | eXecute Invalid Opcode |
XKF | eXecute Kermit the Frog |
XM | eXclusive Maybe |
XMB | eXclusive MayBe |
XOH | eXecute no-Op and Hang |
XOR | eXecute Operator |
XOS | eXchange Operator's Sex |
XPR | eXecute PRogrammer |
XPSW | eXecute Program Status Word |
XSP | eXecute Systems Programmer |
XVF | eXchange Virtue for Fun |
YAB | Yet Another Bug |
YASE | Yet Another Stupid Error |
ZAP | Zero and Add Packed |
ZAR | Zero Any Register |
ZD | Zap Directory |
ZEOW | Zero Every Other Word |
ZPI | ZaP Immediate |