Photo album 2004.10.28

Stills from The Fifth Element (1997) capturing costume examples.
Note props: cigarettes with huge filters, Leeloo's tattoo, box w/ one match, Multi-Pass. At time of filming, Bruce was 42, Milla was 21.

Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep. (click to zoom)
Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep.
Leeloo's full name. "Leeloo Minai Lekarariba-Laminai-Tchai Ekbat De Sebat"

Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep. (click to zoom)
Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep.
Korben in orange. Note shirt/pants/haircut details. Kneepads?

Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep. (click to zoom)
Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep.
Korben w/ Multipass. Note jacket details.

Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep. (click to zoom)
Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep.
Leeloo fight side. Note orange rubber contours.

Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep. (click to zoom)
Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep.
Leeloo fight leg. Note pants striping.

Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep. (click to zoom)
Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep.
Long cigarette and matches.

Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep. (click to zoom)
Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep.
Leeloo top, calibrated measuring plan, two trials, my niece acted as dress dummy.

Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep. (click to zoom)
Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep.
Leeloo top, assembled kraft store foam w/ elastic laced joints, hole cutting guide.

Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep. (click to zoom)
Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep.
Leeloo pants, painting w/ masks.

Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep. (click to zoom)
Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep.
Korben jacket, XL women's Mossimo had right collar and pockets. I added shoulder pads, upholstered sleeve, and shortened cuff.

Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep. (click to zoom)
Halloween 2004 Fifth Element costume prep.
We provided Nocturna's candy.