Photo album 2008.06.29

Pride Parade (since 1970).
One of the world's largest sexual diversity pride events. Last Sunday in June. This year was Andrew's fourth (non-consecutive) year skating the parade, previously with Lambda Legal. But this year I was crazy excited about joining Rat Patrol, Pussycat Patrol, Hells Satans, and Environmental Encroachment's outing, and it was FANTASTIC!!! These people are so real, and creative, and bright and complicated, and lushes like me. We fielded dozens of show bikes, a sound wagon, and a band (several of whom came on skates)! The crowd really loved us. We started hours late and had several heavy downpours en-route.

Pride Parade. (click to zoom)
Pride Parade.
Andrew skating drenched.

Pride Parade. (click to zoom)
Pride Parade.
Andrew skating drenched.

Pride Parade. (click to zoom)
Pride Parade.
Photo by Michelle.

Pride Parade. (click to zoom)
Pride Parade.
Photo by Michelle.

Pride Parade. (click to zoom)
Pride Parade.
Wet clothes.

Pride Parade. (click to zoom)
Pride Parade.
New pro-bike posters around town.

Pride Parade. (click to zoom)
Pride Parade.
Shoddy train station says: No "bikes" today.

Pride Parade. (click to zoom)
Pride Parade.
Had to trash my decayed unicycle.

Pride Parade. (click to zoom)
Pride Parade.
"World's Greatest In-line Skater" trophy.