Photo album 2010-Q4

2010 October through December

Former suburban employer. (click to zoom)
Former suburban employer.
Near Oak Brook.

Spooky body painting. (click to zoom)
Spooky body painting.
Halloween art on Jera by Andrew.

Some of my paints. (click to zoom)
Some of my paints.
Wolfe Brothers Face Art & FX Essentials

Bins of rubber snakes. (click to zoom)
Bins of rubber snakes.
At Fantasy HQ Costume Shop.

Midnight Marauders ride. (click to zoom)
Midnight Marauders ride.
Gathering at The Billygoat

Star Trek Pez Dispenser set. (click to zoom)
Star Trek Pez Dispenser set.
Found at Brown Elephant.

Jera (click to zoom)
Being red and pretty.

Thai Pastry and Restaurant. (click to zoom)
Thai Pastry and Restaurant.
Colorful menu. One of my very favorite restaurants. 4949 N. Broadway St.

Ghost Bike Tour Flyer (click to zoom)
Ghost Bike Tour Flyer
Art by Jera.

Halloween Critical Mass. (click to zoom)
Halloween Critical Mass.
Multiple robots on a multi-cycle.

Andersonville Carnevil. (click to zoom)
Andersonville Carnevil.
"Terror Under the Big Top"

Pierda 10lbs / Mes (click to zoom)
Pierda 10lbs / Mes
Lose ten pounds a month.

Making Soylent Green. (click to zoom)
Making Soylent Green.
Extra firm tofu.

Making Soylent Green. (click to zoom)
Making Soylent Green.
Cutting soy people.

Making Soylent Green. (click to zoom)
Making Soylent Green.
Frying the soy people.

Making Soylent Green. (click to zoom)
Making Soylent Green.
Lentil stew.

Andrew's birthday. (click to zoom)
Andrew's birthday.
Star Trek Cake.

Andrew's birthday. (click to zoom)
Andrew's birthday.
Klingon Gach

Andrew's birthday. (click to zoom)
Andrew's birthday.
Space shaped foods.

Andrew's birthday. (click to zoom)
Andrew's birthday.
Space shaped foods.

J'Era (click to zoom)
Vulcan for "Jera"

My dad's a hero. (click to zoom)
My dad's a hero.
Purple heart, etc.

Space Shuttle Tent (click to zoom)
Space Shuttle Tent
For kids, found resale.

Saint Andrew's Church (click to zoom)
Saint Andrew's Church
In Edgewater.

Saint Andrew's Church (click to zoom)
Saint Andrew's Church
In Edgewater.

Deluxe Limo. (click to zoom)
Deluxe Limo.
Sent by work to pamper me.

Gapers Block party. (click to zoom)
Gapers Block party.
Free beer destination for North Side Critical Mass.

Gapers Block party. (click to zoom)
Gapers Block party.
G B cookies.

Vaudezilla. (click to zoom)
Comical violinist.

Vaudezilla. (click to zoom)
Christmas Tree strip-tease.

Vaudezilla. (click to zoom)
Christmas Tree strip-tease.

Graffiti "Jera"
Body painting by Andrew.

Ritzy country club holiday party. (click to zoom)
Ritzy country club holiday party.
Sundae bar and arcade.

Calendeurs (click to zoom)
The spectacular annual calendar edition of The Derailleur

Winter body painting practice. (click to zoom)
Winter body painting practice.
Holiday themed works by Andrew.

Family winter holiday supper. (click to zoom)
Family winter holiday supper.
"Amy's Olde English Inn" menu.

Family winter holiday supper. (click to zoom)
Family winter holiday supper.
Lyles Golden Syrup.

Family winter holiday. (click to zoom)
Family winter holiday.
Matryoshka Madness / Robot nesting dolls.

Family winter holiday. (click to zoom)
Family winter holiday.

Family winter holiday. (click to zoom)
Family winter holiday.
An enormous blamange?