Site design improvements.
"ChicagoFun" top of every page site heading redone to be larger and bolder, with links to kudos and advertising info.
Join box at top simplified and animation removed.
Rotating one of three ad banner insert installed on all pages replacing the for-rent banner. This was done using indexed naming and redirecting so any of the three and what they link to can now be changed without recompiling all pages.
FIND HERE and FIND ANYWHERE changed to "Search This Page" and "Search All Pages"
Quick jump to section drop down enhanced, breaking the list into headings.
ChicagoLANparty removed from supporters section because the event has ended.
RELATED links (near top of page) background color changed to merge with the SHOW links bar often directly above it.
Bug in calendar tool on left toolbar fixed correcting some bad day links.
HOT animation removed for page speed and density reduction.
Site background changed from American Flags back to smileys.
