
Site Revision History has been available electronically since well before the web! The email newsletter has been continuously published for more than twenty years! The following is some detailed site revision history.

 MEDIA   MORE version 12.0
Hosting move and upgrade to PHP v8.x. version 11.1
Homepage and main navigation simplified.

Emailed newsletter suspended.
After 1111 weekly newsletters (more than 20 years), Andrew is suspending the emailed version. Andrew may continue to update the online calendars (especially the Year's Best Events guide), but consumer changes and growth of other outlets have left the emailing so underused as to not merit the several additional hours labor it requires to compose.

Facebook Likes/Comments integrated.
Facebook's "Social Plugin" code has been integrated to add liking and commenting features on any page. The dialog now appears on most photos, videos and many other content items.

Mailing List returned to self hosting.
The newsletter emailing list has been returned from Yahoo to self hosted. version 11!
"Mobile Friendly" Overhaul

Implemented "LCARS" design, the Star Trek standard "Library Computer Access/Retrieval System" user interface. version 10!
Full content management system conversion.

FaceBook Event Submission Feed
Event submissions system transitioned to feed from FaceBook query and new ChicagoFunNews Facebook App.

Membership System Discontinued
As of mid-2009, the extensive Social features of this site have been effectively discontinued.

Mailing List moved to Yahoo Groups
Due to typical problems with hosting of sites which may do mass emailings, the mailing list has been moved to Yahoo Groups.

AOL users often don't get newsletter.
Due to false positive reports.

Version 8.0 announced!
Membership System Improvements

Notes regarding SPAM
And Unsolicited Commercial Email and Viruses

Version 7.0 Announced!
"Advanced Content Management System"

Version 6.x
Integration and automation improvements.

SPEECH and WORLD'S SMALLEST versions introduced.
The leader on niche devices.

The leader on web phones.

Major upgrade, replacing most pages with PHP.
Finally entering the 21st century.

Past event search now ten times faster.
And decreased server load.

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