Andrew Bedno • 773-213-4578
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Chicago Fun News : Publisher / Chicago's Oldest Online Guide
Jan. 1991 - Ongoing  (34 Years 2 Months)
Chicago's Oldest Online Guide

Working with Linux, Apache, PHP, MySQL, JavaScript, HTML, CSS, more. Sole author of massive website and emailing list.

Through, Andrew was among pioneers in porting content to mobile devices and continued leading through feature expansions including calendars, photos and media, and messaging and social networking long before Facebook appeared. This provided ongoing advertising and promotional income.
Now in its eleventh major version the system has grown from static pages, through C and Perl, to PHP and SQL, evolving proven modules reused on other sites. The newest version implements a fully normalized relationship model which unifies all content types, which revolutionized the searches while dramatically reducing code size.
This content is now aliased under but has appeared under several domains names. The weekly emailed newsletter is well passed 1000 issues sent to thousands of subscribers using Amazon Cloud Services.