Visual Works
Creations by Andrew in various visual media.
I am constantly creating visual works. Most are sculptural, often a simple concept but requiring significant labor. Some are software. NOTE: Many of these are only a single highlight from a project. Click through to find more on some works in context. Also see my Music and Projects pages.

Gratitude Ride
Foster Night Ride Thanksgiving-Eve-Eve edition TURKEY SHAPED ROUTE!

Andrew art 2024.08.11
Bike costumed as Discovery from "2001: A Space Odyssey" for the Galactic Disco ride. Includes lights and AI with HAL's voice.

Electronic Bike Bell
Electronic Bike Bell (v3) with 20 sounds. Built with an ESP32 microcontroller. Connects to a bike stereo.

Andrew's art 2008.12.21
Winter Holiday art. Holiday cards to friends. Closeup. Final gloss finish doesn't show well here.

Andrew's art 2001.06.16
Painted a segment in the Artists of the Wall Fest mural in Rogers Park. This year's theme: "2001: A Neighborhood Odyssey".

Andrew's art 1999.08
Wrote Getalife™, software which fights computer addiction. Mentioned positively in various national press including Newsweek.

Andrew's art 1997.09
Me pad. To play with clothing design I computer generated an outline of myself and had it copied to a pad.

Andrew's art 1997.05
One of two video walls I've had the pleasure of programming. This one shows scenes from a tape sold at the newly opened gift shop.

Andrew's art 1996.11
Art Photo Pinball Game. Made several with various pictures as gifts. Simple, playable, strangely beautiful.

Andrew's art 1996.05
Examples from monochromatic meals project. Some artificially colored, good clean fun with matching girlfriend.

Andrew's art 1996.04
Spiral Cut Safety Pin Shirt. Did several variations, this one is supposed to be a double helix.

Andrew's art 1996.04
Four Level Tic-Tac-Toe. I expected to find this game available commercially, but after years of searching built one myself. Simple rules, complex play.

Andrew's art 1995.12
Chronosaur. Wooden skeleton models, marbleized, with a digital clock. Made a series as gifts.

Andrew's art 1995.11
Audio sample alarm clock. Patched together digital clock, amplified speakers, toy chip and circuits to implement recordable wake-up message.

Andrew's art 1995.07
Circuit Schematic T-Shirt. Making something special out of something simple, this is an actual modem diagram transcribed with permanent pens.

Andrew's art 1995.03
Created series of metal and plastic chain belts. Padlock at one end and key at the other is sheer simplicity while intriguing and perfectly wearable.

Andrew's art 1995.01
Annoying Cube. Built clear plastic cube containing six electronic music modules, one on each side, which play Lara's theme all slightly out of sync when picked up.

Andrew's art 1994.11
Refrigerator Magnets Collection. Eventually grew to several dozen, all strictly contemporary household appliance related.

Andrew's art 1992.09
Robot Mouse. Traditional techno-geek project with Daniel. Fully planned before before construction, eventually topped $200.

Andrew's art 1991.12
Electronic Puzzle. 20 piece puzzle appears to assemble some working electronic device, but is actually just aesthetic.

Andrew's art 1991.01
Space Jacket. A favorite piece, which I touch up and use every winter. Features an accurate Earth, moon and solar system, as well as other assorted celestial objects.

Andrew's art 1990.12
Gear outfit. Black vinyl jacket decorated with large gold gears, painted on using carefully drafted masks.

Andrew's art 1990.02.05
The autograph of John Bardeen. One of the Nobel winners in 1956 for the invention of the transistor.

Andrew's art 1988.10
Busy Box. As Daniel headed for busy box age in late 1988, I felt he needed better than the average plastic thing.